Jung Based Type Analysis®

Jung Based Type Analysis® is a new Danish developed personality analysis based on the Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung’s theory on psychological types. The purpose of the analysis is helping individuals to identify their natural psychological preferences.

What does JBTA® measure?

The Type analysis builds on 4 basic dimensions:

  • The Energy dimension
  • The Perceiving dimension
  • The Judging dimension
  • The Lifestyle dimension

Each dimension has 2 poles, called preferences. This gives in total 8 preferences:

 The Energy dimension:   Extraversion (E) – Introversion (I)
 The Perceiving dimension:   Sensing (S) – Intuition (N)
 The Judging dimension:     Thinking (T) – Feeling (F)
 The Lifestyle dimension:   Judging (J) – Perceiving (P)

By answering the analysis a preference from each of the 4 dimensions is combined to form a total of 16 different combinations. These make up the 16 types.
The JBTA® analysis gives an indication of which type the individual finds most natural. The 16 types are seen as equal valuable, each have their strengths and weaknesses. The interesting part is to identify which preferences you are driven by, and the JBTA® gives an indication of which type you prefer and at the same time describes the fundamental differences and similarities between the types.

JBTA® can profitably be used for:

  • Individual Development
  • Leadership Development
  • Coaching
  • Team Building
  • Change processes
  • Conflict handling
  • Stress management
  • Career Development
  • Communication processes

How is the JBTA® constructed?

By using a so called forced choice principle, popular known as being between the devil and the deep blue sea, the respondent is forced to prioritize between two equal items. This method has an advantage when working with bipolar scales.

From the start The JBTA® was based on app. 200 results, as respondents from many different lines of business, age groups and from both sexes has responded to 92 items distributed among the 4 above mentioned dimensions. Through a statistical examination the weakest items were removed, app. 30 %, and 60 items were kept. This means that each of the 4 dimensions today consists of 15 items.

All statistics is examined by Bo Sommerlund, MSc, associate professor and statistician through 40 years at Psychological Institute at Aarhus University. In relation to the JBTA® Bo Sommerlund has done:

  • Factor analysis
  • Correlation studies
  • Reliability analysis
  • Item analysis

The reliability analysis is an internal consistency analysis based on the Cronbach Alfa method, and it showed the following coefficients: E-I 0.90; S-N 0.88; T-F 0.88; J-P 0.91, which indicates a very high degree of internal consistency between the used items on the 4 dimensions.

How is a JBTA® result shown?

The JBTA® result is shown as a graph indicating which of the 2 poles in a dimension has been chosen.

How to administer The JBTA®?

The JBTA® analysis works at the internet; that is via an encrypted data line to obtain maximal security. A recently developed online system supports both the analysis itself and the account holder’s daily use.

Click to access analysis administration and how to open an account.

There is no time limit when it comes to answering JBTA® but most people use 15 - 25 minutes.


The JBTA® analysis is available in Danish, English, German, Spanish and Swedish. If there is a actual demand it might be translated into other languages as well. The booklet "Which Type Are You?" is today available in Danish and English.

Who can use The JBTA®?

  • To use the analysis a certification is required. To obtain a certification you have to go through a 3 days seminar to master both theory and practice. The JBTA® certification is completed with an examination. If you can document to have obtained similar competences through a certification in another type tool you are accepted as a user.


The obligatory feedback material to The JBTA® is the booklet,”Which Type Are You?” (72 pages) by Lene Bohnsen and Bent Brøgger. The booklet guides the reader through the basis of Jung’s typology and the more complex parts of the dynamics of type. Finally the 16 different types are described one by one.


Prices for JBTA®?

One JBTA® including the booklet”Which Type Are You?” is priced $ 25,- / £ 16,- / € 18,- ex. vat. and shipping. The JBTA® must be administered by a certified user. This means that you beside the analysis and the booklet have to invest time and money in a dialogue about your profile to ensure a thorough understanding.